Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World
The nonfiction bookclub that’s all about learning new things and challenging our perspectives. In each episode I meet with an author and discuss their book with them.
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Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World
#46: Stealing My Religion: Not Just Any Cultural Appropriation with Liz Bucar
Liz Bucar is a leading expert in religious ethics, a professor of religion at Northeastern University, and a prizewinning author. Her writing, teaching, and public lectures cover a wide range of topics—from sexual reassignment surgery to the politics of religious clothing--but generally focus on how a deeper understanding religious difference can change our sense of what is right and good.
She is the Director of Sacred Writes, a grant-funded project that provides media training for religion scholars and has written four books, including her most recent, Stealing My Religion: Not Just Any Cultural Appropriation
Some of the topics we discussed includes:
- The challenges there are when trying to confirm cultural appropriation within religion and what makes a religious form of appropriation any different
- How 'spiritual, not religious' is a big problem within religious appropriation
- Why Liz chose the three specific case studies for the book (Solidarity Hijab, Playing Pilgrim & Respite Yoga).
The Book and Audiobook: Stealing My Religion: Not Just Any Cultural Appropriation is out now.
You can also find out more about Liz on her website https://www.lizbucar.com/
As of now, my podcast is biweekly and prior to an episode I’ll let you know what book/audiobook I’ll be listening to before the next show so we can delve into it together!
Please don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you’re in the loop whenever a new episode comes out.
Are you an author that will like to be on the next episode of the podcast?
Listeners: Did I cover a book you read or listened to? Did I discuss the things which also stuck out to you? Or did I miss it out?..... get in touch, and let me know what your experience was or to give me audiobook recommendations: soundsaboutpod@gmail.com