Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World

#42: The Toolbox: Strategies for Crafting Social Impact with Jacob Harold

February 20, 2023 Episode 42

Jacob Harold is a social change strategist, author, and executive.

From 2012 to 2021, Harold served as President & CEO of GuideStar and co-founder of Candid. Fast Company called Candid “the definitive nonprofit transparency organization.” Each year, more than 20 million people use its data on nonprofits, grants, and social sector practice.

The NonProfit Times named Harold to its Power and Influence Top 50 list seven years in a row.

He has written extensively on climate change and philanthropic strategy and his essays have been used as course materials at Stanford, Duke, Wharton, Oxford, and Tsinghua. Harold has been quoted in media outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, and Wall Street Journal. Harold serves on the boards of the U.S. Climate Action Network, Rewiring America, and the Duke University Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship and as an advisor to investors, startups, foundations, and government agencies.

I spoke with Jacob about his book: The Toolbox: Strategies for Crafting Social Impact.

Some of the topics we discussed includes: 

  • The inspiration behind Jacob writing the book & why the Toolbox Strategy is necessary.
  • Why multiplicity is the essence of the Toolbox Strategy
  • Why the linear and cyclical mindset is necessary for strategic action.
  • How Addictive Ideologies work to absorb us off the responsibility of ourselves.
  • The role Political Leaders play in political ideologies
  • The illusion of independence  & the reason why social change is difficult
  • Stories, how we understand the world and the importance in applying storyteling to strategy.
  • The Game Theory -  and how it can be used to get us on the right social path.

The Book and Audiobook: The Toolbox: Strategies for Crafting Social Impact is out now.

You can also find out more about Jacob on his website

As of now, my podcast is biweekly and prior to an episode I’ll let you know what book/audiobook I’ll be listening to before the next show so we can delve into it together!

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