Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World
The nonfiction bookclub that’s all about learning new things and challenging our perspectives. In each episode I meet with an author and discuss their book with them.
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Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World
#39: Standoff: Why Reconciliation Fails Indigenous People and How to Fix It with Bruce McIvor
Dr. Bruce McIvor, lawyer and historian, is a partner at First Peoples Law LLP, a law firm dedicated to defending and advancing Indigenous Peoples’ inherent and constitutionally protected title, rights and treaty rights. His work includes both litigation and negotiation on behalf of Indigenous Peoples.
Bruce is recognized nationally and internationally as a leading practitioner of Aboriginal law in Canada.
I had the pleasure of speaking with him about his book, Standoff: Why Reconciliation Fails Indigenous People and How to Fix It .
Some of the topics we discussed includes:
- The process of putting the book together
- The Doctrine of Discovery and how it's at the foundation of how Indigenous People across the Americas have been displaced from their lands.
- The Duty to Consult & Accommodate Indigenous People: what is it and what are its shortcomings.
- The case of Daniels v Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Development) and the importance of its decision (Daniels Decision).
- The complex relationship between Canadian Law and Indigenous Identity.
- What you can do if you want to be more informed on this matter
The Book and Audiobook: Standoff: Why Reconciliation Fails Indigenous People and How to Fix It is out now.
You can also find out more about Bruce on his website https://brucemcivor.com
As of now, my podcast is biweekly and prior to an episode I’ll let you know what book/audiobook I’ll be listening to before the next show so we can delve into it together!
Please don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you’re in the loop whenever a new episode comes out.
Are you an author that will like to be on the next episode of the podcast?
Listeners: Did I cover a book you read or listened to? Did I discuss the things which also stuck out to you? Or did I miss it out?..... get in touch, and let me know what your experience was or to give me audiobook recommendations: soundsaboutpod@gmail.com